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Cowboys and Aliens in Paris at Midnight

COWBOYS & ALIENS - I know I am a little late in the game to be reviewing this movie as it is probably on its way out of the theaters, but here it is for what it is worth.

This movie is directed by Jon Favreau, who I care for a great deal (he directed Iron Man 1 & 2 and Elf). I had already heard from a few people that they had enjoyed this movie so I went into the theater with the hope and expectation of liking it. I wasn't disappointed.

The crux: What it lacks in dialogue and character development, it makes up for in action and entertainment.

The crux: If you like Woody Allen movies, you will like it...maybe even love it. If you don't (I don't), you will be looking around for something to use to bludgeon yourself to death and thanking the urine gods for the need to use the restroom and thus insuring yourself of a few blessed minutes away from the blathering that is happening onscreen.

I know there is a certain cachet to being in an Allen movie and so I understand why cool actors like Owen Wilson and Adrian Brody feel the urge to do one - but it doesn't mean I like it.

To be fair, I know A LOT of people who enjoyed this movie...I just wasn't one of them.


Becky said...

I'm glad you warned about Midnight in Paris. I might have gone to see it liking the actors. I don't care for Woody Allen movies either.

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