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Ten Dollars. Two people...One Day

For my local readers who may not know, allow me to share this little nugget: select Regal Theaters have $5 movies on Tuesday nights. Any Tuesday, any movie (except 3D and IMAX obvi), any showing. For a list of participating theaters, click here

The very estimable Natalie Kennedy and I find ourselves at the Fiesta more often than not on a Tuesday night. This past Tuesday was no exception.

We decided to see One Day. Here is the story line (courtesy of IMDB): After spending the night together on the night of their college graduation Dexter and Em are shown each year on the same date to see where they are in their lives. They are sometimes together, sometimes not, on that day. 

I went into this blind, having never seen a preview. I had seen the poster (seen above) with the tagline "Twenty years. Two people...One day" so I cleverly pieced together that this would span a couple of decades of their life. 

I have been a fan of Jim Sturgess since Across the Universe and I am a sometimes-fan of Anne Hathaway. I thought they were both great in this. It was a cute, occasionally funny, at times earnest and usually very sweet movie. 

WARNING: mild spoiler ahead...

I was debating about how to review this movie without giving anything away and came to the conclusion that if you are reading this blog, you either want to know if a movie is worth going to or you are a loyal friend who would read my blog regardless of the content. So, with that possibly erroneous conclusion in mind, I will tell you that I am not a fan of movies without happy endings. I am not one who watches a movie for the lesson or the art. I want to have 2 hours where I am not thinking about work, or any of the myriad of other mundane details in my life, where I can just sit and be entertained. Now, that doesn't mean that I don't like a good drama - I do. It just means that I want to leave the theater feeling better than when I came in.

As I'm sure you have ascertained by now, being the clever readers that you are, this movie did not allow me to walk out of the theater happier than going in.

The crux: This movie had me invested from the get-go. It had a good story line,   interesting characters and  a cute love story. If you hate sad endings, skip it. If you don't mind them, get it while it is hot. If you are somewhere in between, Redbox it.

If any of you have seen this movie, tell me what you thought of it. If you haven't, drop me a comment anyway.


Aivaz Family said...

A few things...
1)Anne Hathaway's shoes on that poster make me want to punch babies.
2)I also do not enjoy sucky endings (see: Remember Me- although that whole movie blew) so I'll pass.
3)$5 movies are amazing. Fly here and go with me, mkay?
4)I love you bad.

Becky said...

There's a sign up at the Sunset Fiesta Theater saying starting in September Tuesday Movies will be $6. Thanks for warning me about the movie. I don't like movies unless they have a happy ending. Also why drag you through 20 years of their lives and have a sucky ending. Really?

Becky said...

Also I really like the title to this blog post.

Becky said...

Maybe you could put a picture of Hugh Jackman on it instead of stupid Mel Gibson.

The Savvy Sage said...

I liked the movie better than the book. Dex was much less of a complete and utter man-whore/alcoholic loser in the movie...believe it or not. I don't mind sad endings. And I have to give props to my husband for sitting through it with me when he wanted nothing more than to slit his wrists after about 30 seconds. Love the blog. Will share it with my miniscule following. Have you looked into Stumbleupon? Some of my blog buddies have gained HUGE followings from it. I can see many a follower stumbling all over you...

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